A little proactive UTV maintenance goes a long way. It extends the life of your side-by-side, reduces the frequency of repairs, improves the quality of your ride, and more. But knowing the importance of UTV maintenance is one thing. Knowing what tasks to tackle is another.

Here at Peak Honda World, we strive to make your life easier. We've gathered up beginner-friendly UTV maintenance tasks below. If you have any questions or want to explore UTVs for sale, head over to our dealership. You'll find us in Littleton, Colorado, and we also proudly serve those in Denver and Aurora.

Check The Owner's Manual

Proper UTV maintenance starts with consulting the owner's manual. After all, who knows your UTV better than the company that built it? You may even find model-specific tasks, recommended products, and other helpful tips.

Maintain The Battery Posts

Battery posts are metal parts that help connect the battery to the other parts of your UTV. Once a month, inspect the battery posts and clean them as needed. When battery posts are neglected, they get corroded and create the need for a battery replacement. Extend the life of your side-by-side battery by keeping the battery posts in good condition.

Use The Right Tire Air Pressure

Tires that are not properly inflated face a higher chance of damage, such as a flat or a blowout. It's important to regularly inspect the air pressure (and then adjust as needed). All you'll need is a tire pressure gauge, which is a conveniently cheap and compact tool.

Inspect The Brakes

One of the most important steps in UTV maintenance is checking the brakes. You don't want to discover a problem with the brakes in the middle of a ride! Instead, inspect the brakes from the security of your driveway.

Check the various components, such as:

  • the brake pad thickness
  • the routing of the lines
  • the level of the braking fluid
  • the quality of the braking fluid

Check The Oil

Oil plays an important role in UTV maintenance. It helps prevent the engine components from damaging each other. Your side-by-side's oil will need changing just like your passenger car does. Whether you outsource the oil changes or handle them yourself, follow the schedule found in your powersports vehicle’s owner's manual.

You'll also want to inspect the oil on a regular basis. Metal shavings floating inside the oil suggests that parts are grinding together, which merits a trip to a service department. Black or sludgy oil suggests that it's time for an oil change.

Change The Filters

Every side-by-side relies on filters to keep damaging particles from reaching the engine. Different filters need to be replaced on different timelines: 

  • Change the oil filter each time you change the oil. 
  • Change the air filter after three or four oil changes. 
  • If your UTV is older, you may need to change the fuel filter.

Check The Wiring

A thrilling UTV ride includes many twists, turns, and soaring over difficult terrain. This adrenaline-fueled riding can lead to the unfortunate side effect of wires getting loose. That's why you'll want to regularly check the wiring harnesses. If you notice any wires that are out of place, you can secure them with duct tape. That way, they won't get snagged on a branch and ripped out.

We hope you found this UTV maintenance guide helpful! If you encounter tasks that are beyond your experience level, bring your side-by-side to the experts at Peak Honda World. We offer parts replacement and service appointments, making it easy to get your powersports vehicle ready for safe riding. We also offer a range of UTVs for sale if you are looking to buy. Whatever you need, you can find at our powersports dealership! We are based in Littleton, Colorado, and serve those in Aurora and Denver as well.